14 months

Telia - Area of Data Services

The biggest telecom company in the nordics.

Business Challenge:

Undefined foundations for storing and handling all the incoming data from on-prem to the cloud, resulting in lack of confidence from application teams to move to the cloud. And hence impacting innovation, cloud transformation and competitiveness

Project Description:

Move services allocated on-premises to the AWS cloud, for cost reduction and scalability. Architect and design a robust data lake system which can be easily extended with new functionality, governed (GDPR) and maintained.


We helped in developing and maturing the data lake platform in the AWS cloud, responsible for storing and running complex batch processing jobs (ELTs) as well as streaming jobs for all the company data.

tech stack

Apache Spark
Apache Airflow
AWS Batch
AWS Lake Formation
AWS Glue
AWS Step Functions
AWS Dynamo DB
AWS Redshift
AWS Lambda
AWS EventBridge
AWS Kinesis
AWS Athena


Moved partially away from expensive on-prem servers and expensive licenses. Telia reduced OPEX, reduced significant CAPEX and prepared a solid and versatile platform for the cloud and ML functionalities that speed up the development lifecycle by 30%.

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