We are a bunch of people who love helping organizations reach their full potential when it comes to data. Many companies struggle with staying competitive due to the lack of proper data and ML engineering foundations. And in a world that is mainly data-driven, this is a serious risk.
Meet the Founder, Tomas
My type of personality (ISFP-A) makes me an adventurous person.
I like to explore and learn new things I can share with others.
I truly believe in the markets, that there's only place for those ready to provide value and help.
I'm driven by the financial freedom term. At the time of writing these lines I'm 26 years old with the goal of being free at the age of 30.
I have never been more free than now. And I don't regret being here.
Just if you want to talk about entrepreneurship, data or marketing, DM me!
Connect with me on LinkedIn!.