why do we offer only these 3 services?

How does Data Engineering, ML Engineering and Data Analytics relate to each other?

Just like any house, if the foundations are not set, it’s impossible to gain any valuable insight about your data. Simply.

Gen AI App
ML Platform
Data Analytics
Gen AI App
Image of Data Engineering, ML Engineering and Data Analytics relating to each other


DATA Enginering

The most overlooked aspect. If the system where your data resides is not robust enough, then you will spend amounts of time and money fixing and releasing new features.
Learn More About Data Enginering

ML Engineering

Establish proper engineering foundations for the whole ML lifecycle: data extraction, feature engineering, model development, model deploying, etc.
Learn More About ML Engineering

Data Analytics

Given proper data and ML foundations, it's time to extract any insight within days, not months.
Learn More About Data Analytics

Frequently Asked Questions

It's impossible to answer all your questions here, feel free to reach out over the chat or by sending an email.
What is Data Engineering?

Data engineering is the practice of designing and building systems for collecting, storing, and analyzing data. Each company nowadays employs, will need or is in need of professionals trained in this specific area. Data Engineers jointly with Cloud Architects/Engineer do have the responsibility of building a robust data platform.

What is ML Engineering?

Machine Learning (ML) engineering is the practice of designing and building systems for the whole lifecycle of models (feature engineering, training, testing, deploying, monitoring, etc). This is a crucial aspect that needs to be built on top of a proper data platform.

How much does data engineering services cost?

Depends on your business requirements. These are high tickets that can vary on the seniority level requested. For Junior profiles, it could cost around $50/hour, while Senior profiles highly specialised could cost easily $200/hour. 

Is it possible to build a data platform without data engineers?

Yes, it is possible. But this is like building a house without a contractor that has the experience and professional knowledge. Of course you can learn from the content of Internet (even our blog), you can go to Home Depot and start on your own, but will you be confortable living there?

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Price is what you pay, value is what you get.
Do you know what value you want to get? Contact us!

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