Top 3 Best practices for Optimising your Data Platform

July 25, 2024

Optimising your data platform is crucial for maintaining competitive advantage, ensuring regulatory compliance, and enabling scalable growth. Whether you're a data engineer consultant, overseeing large-scale deployments, or managing an internal team for a data platform, implementing best practices can significantly enhance your data infrastructure's efficiency, reliability, and security.  

This blog explores the top three best practices for optimising your data platform: Data Governance and Management, Scalability and Performance Optimization, and Observability (Automation and Monitoring).  

Let’s discuss each of these in detail. 

  1. Data Governance and Management

Data governance involves managing an organisation's availability, usability, integrity, and security. It provides a framework to ensure data is accurate, consistent, and responsibly used. Effective data governance is essential for complying with regulations, improving data quality, and supporting strategic decision-making and better, for example data-intensive applications like machine learning solutions. It created the necessary ecosystem for making it possible to develop and extend capabilities.

How to Implement Data Governance Policies?

Implementing robust data governance policies is the foundation of a well-optimised data platform. These policies define how data should be managed, who is responsible for it, and how it can be used.  

Key steps in implementing data governance policies include:

  • Defining Roles and Responsibilities: Assign roles such as data stewards, owners, and custodians to manage and oversee data governance activities. Remember always, the Least Privilege Principle (PoLP)
  • Establishing Data Standards: To ensure consistency, develop standards for data formats, naming conventions, and data quality metrics. 
  • Creating a Data Governance Framework: Outline processes for data management, including data entry, storage, access, and sharing. Architecture diagrams help a lot as well as decision making graphs to correctly trace data lineage.
  • Training and Awareness: Educate employees about data governance policies and their importance in maintaining data integrity and security.

Data Cataloging and Metadata Management

A data catalogue is a centralised repository that provides a comprehensive view of all data assets in an organisation and its associated schema. It includes metadata describing the data's characteristics, origin, and usage. Effective data cataloguing and metadata management enhance data discoverability and usability.

  • Automated Metadata Collection: Automated tools collect and update metadata, ensuring the data catalogue is always current. 
  • Data Classification: Data engineer consultants categorise data based on its sensitivity, importance, and usage to facilitate easier access and management.
  • User Training: Train users on effectively utilising the data catalogue to find and understand data assets.  

Ensuring Data Security and Compliance

Data security and compliance are critical aspects of data governance. Data engineering consultancy service providers suggest solutions and tools that protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and CCPA, which are essential for avoiding legal repercussions and maintaining customer trust.   

  • Data Encryption: Implement encryption for data at rest and in transit to protect against unauthorised access.  
  • Access Controls: Use role-based access controls (RBAC) to ensure only authorised users can access sensitive data.  
  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and to identify potential security vulnerabilities.
  • Data Masking: Use techniques to protect sensitive information in non-production environments.

2. Scalability and Performance Optimization

Scalability refers to the ability of a system to handle an increased workload without compromising performance or stability. It is essential for accommodating growing data volumes and user demands.  This is a complex topic in itself that might deserve hundreds of articles, but here’s some overviews.

Designing Scalable Architectures

Key strategies for designing scalable data architectures include:

  • Horizontal Scaling: Distribute data across multiple servers or nodes to handle increased traffic and storage requirements.
  • Partitioning: Divide large datasets into smaller, manageable partitions for efficient data retrieval and processing. We will talk about a custom solution we developed for a client called shardflow, which reduced the reference SQL query (both DML and DDL) p95 by 93%.
  • Data Replication: Replicate data across geographically distributed nodes to enhance fault tolerance and reduce latency.

Optimising Performance

Performance optimization focuses on maximising data processing speed and efficiency:

  • Indexing: Use techniques to accelerate data retrieval operations, especially for large datasets.
  • Query Optimization: Tune database queries and optimise data pipelines to minimise execution time and resource consumption.
  • Caching: Implement caching mechanisms to temporarily store frequently accessed data, reducing latency and improving responsiveness.  

3. Automation and Monitoring

Automation streamlines repetitive tasks and enhances operational efficiency by reducing manual intervention and human error.

Automating Data Workflows

Automate data workflows to streamline data ingestion, transformation, and loading processes:

  • ETL Pipelines: Use tools like Apache Airflow, AWS Glue, or Google Dataflow to orchestrate ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipelines automatically.
  • Workflow Automation: Implement event-driven architectures to trigger data workflows based on predefined conditions or events.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting

Proactive monitoring is essential for identifying and resolving issues before they impact data platform performance:

  • Alerting: Set up alerts for strange behaviour or performance degradation to enable timely intervention and troubleshooting.
  • Root Cause Analysis: Conduct thorough root cause analysis using logging and monitoring data to identify underlying issues and implement preventive measures.

Logging and Auditing  

Logging and auditing are crucial for maintaining visibility into data platform activities and ensuring accountability. They help detect issues early, understand the events leading up to problems, and maintain compliance with various regulations. 


Logging involves continuously capturing detailed logs, which record system events, errors, and user activities.   

These logs are invaluable for several reasons:

  • Forensic Analysis: Detailed logs are essential for forensic analysis during a security incident or data breach. They help trace an attacker's steps, understand the scope of the breach, and determine the compromised data or systems.
  • Performance Monitoring: Logs can also reveal system performance patterns, helping identify bottlenecks or inefficiencies. Continuous monitoring of logs allows for proactive maintenance, potentially preventing issues before they escalate.

To make logging effective, it is essential to implement a robust logging strategy that includes centralised log management, regular log reviews, and the use of automated tools to alert on specific events or anomalies.  


Auditing involves systematically reviewing and assessing logs and other records to verify compliance with data governance policies, identify access anomalies, and mitigate security risks. Regular audits help ensure the data platform operates within the defined policies and standards.   

Here are key aspects of effective auditing:  

  • Compliance Verification: Regular audits check if the data platform complies with internal policies and external regulations. This is crucial for avoiding legal penalties and maintaining trust with stakeholders.
  • Access Anomalies: Audits help identify unusual or unauthorised access attempts. By regularly reviewing access logs, administrators can spot patterns indicating a security threat, such as repeated failed login attempts or access from unusual locations.  
  • Security Risk Mitigation: Auditing can detect vulnerabilities or weaknesses in an organisation's security posture. This proactive approach allows timely interventions to strengthen defences and protect sensitive data.  
  • Accountability: Auditing ensures that all activities on the data platform are tracked and accountable. This transparency is vital for maintaining operational integrity and trustworthiness.

Regular logging and auditing practices into your data platform management strategy enhance security, operational efficiency, and regulation compliance.  


Optimising your data platform requires a holistic approach encompassing data governance, scalability, performance optimization, automation, and monitoring. By implementing these best practices, organisations can enhance data quality, ensure regulatory compliance, support business growth, and drive actionable insights from their data. 

Whether you're a data engineer consultant advising clients on best practices or leading an internal data team, integrating these strategies will create a resilient, efficient, and future-ready data infrastructure.